“Last Friday evening a chaotic and horrific series of events took place outside the football stadium at Academy Park High School in Sharon Hill. Since that night, my office’s leadership team and everyone in our Criminal Investigation Division and Special Investigation...
District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer has released the following statement: “On Friday night, a terrible tragedy occurred – the senseless death of eight-year-old Fanta Bility. Our thoughts and prayers remain with her family and friends at this most difficult time. There...
Media, PA – District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer and Delaware County Council announced today that the Delco Prevention & Recovery Coalition (the “Coalition”) will be holding a Narcan giveaway event at 69th Street Terminal in Upper Darby from 3:00pm to 7:30pm...
District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer announced the arrest this morning of multiple individuals affiliated with the MML (“Money Making Legends”) gang after an investigation into shootings and other acts of violence in the communities of Folcroft, Sharon Hill,...
District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer today announced that 36 year-old George Smith of Vineland, New Jersey has been criminally charged with Causing and Risking Catastrophe, Clean Streams Law violations, and related offenses in connection with a large-scale fuel...
Media, PA- District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer today announced that Charles Thomas Drewery,42, of Philadelphia, has been arrested and charged with criminal homicide, murder of the first and third degree, and related firearms charges, in connection with the May 2021...
Please direct press inquiries to: Margie McAboy, Director of Policy and Public Engagement Delaware County District Attorney’s Office 201 West Front Street Media, PA 19063 Phone: 610.891.8598 McAboyM@co.delaware.pa.us